Thursday 13 January 2011

Hugh's Fish Fight

Deeply shocking. Can't believe the waste and stupidity of this. If you've not caught the show on Channel 4, I urge you please to catch it on Channel 4 od.

Hugh, you're my food guru!

Monday 10 January 2011


This is my kitchen. Not quite condusive to cooking up gastronomic delights! When my husband, the dog and I are all in it at once, it gets quite cosy. See! You really couldn't swing a cat.

Hello 2011

Hi there. Well not a lot has been going on here at Boo's Cottage. We went away for a well needed rest to Centre Parcs at Longleat and had a lovely stay there in the snow. It was a winter wonderland. When we arrived home, however, we found that our heating was not working. It had actually been so cold that the operations on the LPG gas bottles (there is no mains gas in our village) in the garden had frozen. Thankfully, my very clever and persistent husband managed to get it working because it was going to be 3 days before our heating people could come out! Since then, the gremlins have definitely moved in. My washing machine gave up the fight in the New Year and so did my 30 year old Kenwood mixer (it was my mum's). Thankfully the Kenwood has been repaired and I'm told that it should last me at least another 20 years (they don't make them like that anymore!).
Did anyone seen the February issue of Country Living? I was blown away to see one of my favourite bloggers featured: Jane and the Happy Crow, with some lovely photos of her adorable Jack Russell, Midge. Please do check out the article and her blog. There are such talented women out there.
Finally, we're tentatively gearing up the finances for our extension this year. Given the current climate, I'm actually really quite nervous. But the ancient flat roof on our tiny kitchen has really suffered in the snow and was leaking only a few days ago in the heavy rain so..... . here we go.